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Black-bellied whistling-duck sitting on my fence
Oliver Oh-No, our ginger kitten
Sixth of May
(Not my image)
While Cinco de Mayo calls for a margarita, you might as well make a pitcher or two, because tomorrow is a full day. Drink one in honor of the Hindenberg that went down this day in 1937.
Now catch a nap because Coronation TV coverage begins at four a.m. After the gold carriage rolls, and the King and Queen are crowned, think back to when Charlie’s Mom was crowned. There was no satellite to send the pictures back, so the networks put a film processing machine into an airliner. As soon as the party was over, they rushed the film to Heathrow, loaded it on the plane and processed and edited on the way to New York where it was broadcast to an eager nation. We have it better, we’ll see it live.
While we’re resting, remember the 6th is Naked Gardening Day. Since we got up early for the coronation, we’ll just drink some margarita and sit naked in the garden until evening. Then it’s post time. Yep, the horses run the Kentucky Derby, so at the very least, we’ll need a fine hat, and of course, some more margaritas. Have a great day!
Waning gibbous moon 99.6%
Thinking About Ireland Today
County WicklowMore Ireland