Christmas Fest 2018


We watched this year’s Christmas Fest Fireworks from the East side on a lawn just above the launch site. Eli and Everett sat right at the edge of the lawn, that is until the first burst went off. Then both fled the area.


Christmas Festival Fireworks. Natchitoches, 2018    Looks like the star is most excited!


Kathy, Everett, and Eli

Marching in the Christmas Fest Parade, Gregory Dodge, a percussionist with the Demon Band. Here’s a story about him:…/Blind-percussionist-from-Dry-Prong-o…

For my sousaphone album

Then there was the parade engineer . . .

Earlier I posted a picture of a blind percussionist in the parade, now here’s a shot of two drummers who can’t see!

Reindeer braids


I think she saw me take his picture.

Two couples from the Natchitoches Christmas Festival Parade: Dr. Chis and Jennifer Maggio, and some guests from out of town