Monthly Archives: October 2014
At the Car Show: 1938 Chevy Master Deluxe
Five Geese Standing in the Rain
Natchitoches Car Show
- Owner: “This is my second pink Ford. The first one I got in high school, and the guys picked on me so bad I painted it white. Then I found out that the guys were only doing it because their gals liked my car so much. Too late, I couldn’t afford to paint it again.” …
Woman: “When I met my husband, he was driving a pink Ford like this one. I just loved that car!”……… Sony A7s, Zeiss 35mm ZA, 1/800 @ f4 ISO 100
Friday Flowers, October 3

Knockout Roses, Front Street Natchitoches ——–Click to view large——Sony A7s, Zeiss 55 ZA, 1/3200 @ f1.8 ISO 160
Friday Flowers 10/3/2014 by Sonny Carter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.