Superbowl XII

Superbowl 1978;  that's my Ikegami HL 33 Camera. I think I shot two or three stand ups for the pre-game, and then some shots of the crowd going in, and the rest of my shots were lock-downs of the outside of the Superdome for breaks. My crew watched the game on TV. (HL stands for handi-lookie, I promise it does.)

Superbowl 1978; that’s my Ikegami HL 33 Camera. I think I shot two or three stand ups for the pre-game, and then some shots of the crowd going in, and the rest of my shots were lock-downs of the outside of the Superdome for breaks. My crew watched the game on TV. (HL stands for handi-lookie, I promise it does.)          Dallas 27, Denver 10

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