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Willie  is one of Adam's (my oldest son) best friends. He enlisted in the U.S. Army right out of high school a few months ago.  He came home this week, and we're grateful  he put us on the list of people he wanted to see on his first leave home. 

Willie has always been a big kid, he's six feet tall, and had a good deal of baby fat when he left.  He was shy, and even though a part of our everyday life for some time, we never got to really know him because he didn't interact much with the "grown-ups."

Willie came back from training 35 pounds lighter, buff, and  able to interact with anyone. Tonight we had spaghetti, broke bread, and talked about training, drill instructors, his sweetheart . . . we talked about just everything.

Willie leaves for Fort Bragg, N.C. for more communications training this week.  How proud can you be of a youngster, not your own, who has grown to be such a fine man in so short a time?

Thank you Willie,  for all you do for us.

Sonny, Kathy, Eric, and Adam