Monthly Archives: October 2014

Another Bird


For not being a bird photographer, I’m showing plenty lately. This was out of my car window this morning. He was standing on a fence on the side of the road, so I stopped, rolled down the window, took the shot, then we both moved on.

1/500 @ f4.5 ISO 100
Sony A7s Zeiss 35mm za


Mourning Exhibit


The Mourning Exhibit, part of the The Natchitoches Historic Foundation’s Characters, Customs, and Crypts tour. After the American Cemetery tour, visitors came to the Guy house to hear our excellent presenters explain the panels and displays recounting the history of mourning. I had done most of the photography and scanning for the exhibits and was delighted by the quality of Gary Cathy’s production of the exhibit and Justin Normand’s installation…………..Sony A7s  Zeiss 35mm ZA, 1/60 @ f4.5 ISO 8000


Wing’s Camera


Wing’s Camera in Atlanta still has a real bargain table. You can find lens caps, filters, shades, and rins there. Need a 4×5 lens board? How about a Marshall’s Oils Pencil set? Lots of lenses and cameras to play with. The Deardorf 11×14 Studio is listed at just $3200.         …………..Sony A7s Zeiss 35mm ZA, 1/60 @ f4 ISO 400


He’s looking at me


I’m not a bird photographer; my gear is not suited for it, but I’ve enjoyed the antics of this Cardinal outside the window. I think he’s looking at me……….. Sony A7s, Zeiss 55mmZA, 1/100 f3.2 ISO 100 — in Atlanta, Georgia.