Monthly Archives: December 2010

Nobody Blinked

Sometimes you take a snapshot and you think it just is not going to work. I mean, the camera is set to an impossible 1600 iso, which isn’t bad, except it is a Olympus Pen EP-1 with a zoom lens and the room is dang near dark, so you are working at f 4.7, I mean it is so dark that the shutter speed comes out at 1/13th of a second. All you can do is hold yer breath and shoot, and hope nobody blinks.


Keep Blowing That Horn!

It is comforting to know that no matter what happened in the past, no matter that the guy next to you is hopelessly out of step with the rest of the marching band, you have a good looking babe pushing you along, keeping you in the right place, and you can keep on blowing that horn. Oh Yeah!